Rose scholarship fund
The rose grows by God’s elements and petals of faith. Faith plants the seed, and love makes it grow. Everything you need to bloom is right inside of you — you can blossom into a beautiful rose.
The Rose Scholarship Fund is a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization. The educational scholarship awards students who are underrepresented minorities aged out of foster care (ages 13-18). We assist with finances toward tuition, a laptop, books, and supplies to obtain higher education from an accredited two- or four-year college/ university, and vocational training.
Provide an annual award to a student to start the change process/mindset to increase confidence and
assurance of a bright future to pursue a college education or vocational training.
Do you believe in the power of quality education in and beyond the classroom? A donation in any amount will power our next generation of leaders. Give to provide both hope and a promise to young students who face adversity every day. You will be acknowledged on our social media platforms for giving them a chance to change their lives with a postsecondary degree.

Volunteer to become a Rose Scholar mentor. Mentors will teach students to help them become more marketable and develop career readiness skills. At-risk young adults who have a mentor are twice as likely to enroll in college. Mentors are as essential to our scholars as well as the financial assistance we provide.

The Rose Scholarship Fund honors the memory of Davy & Recie Nickerson. As foster and adoptive parents with a caring and nurturing spirit that is required to open one’s heart and home to abandoned, abused, and neglected children who suffered from physical, emotional, or development issues-making it difficult for them to be accepted in society. A blessing is adoptive parents who are forever parents just as if they had given birth to you themselves. Adoption is a permanent commitment.
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